Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, was reportedly detained at an airport near Paris on Saturday amid a preliminary investigation into the app’s moderation practices. The investigation, according to Reuters and French news outlets BFM TV and TF1, focuses on Telegram’s alleged failure to adequately address criminal activities and its lack of cooperation with law enforcement. The French authorities are scrutinizing the platform’s role in enabling drug trafficking, child sexual abuse materials, and fraud.
In response to these allegations, Telegram issued a statement asserting that Durov has “nothing to hide” and that it is “absurd” to hold a platform or its owner responsible for the misuse of its services. The company emphasized its compliance with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act, and claimed that its moderation practices are consistent with industry standards and continually improving.
Durov was detained after arriving at Le Bourget airport on a private jet. Despite the investigation’s focus on the platform’s moderation policies, Telegram maintains that it is committed to legal compliance and actively works to improve its controls. The investigation’s findings are expected to be detailed further following a statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office, which is anticipated on Monday.
Telegram, a leading social media platform with a significant user base, especially in Europe and Asia, has faced scrutiny due to its end-to-end encryption and large group functionalities. The platform supports large group communications and uncensored content sharing, which has drawn attention amid concerns over illegal activities.
The resolution of this situation remains pending as Telegram awaits further developments. The company’s statement reflects its hope for a swift resolution while underscoring its stance on compliance and responsibility.