Tarsier Studios, known for developing the acclaimed Little Nightmares series, has introduced its latest creation, Reanimal, during Gamescom Opening Night. The teaser for the game, featuring a grotesque “partially disemboweled talking pig,” establishes a foreboding atmosphere. In this new horror adventure, players will guide two children on a treacherous quest across land and sea to rescue their missing friends from a nightmarish island populated by horrifying creatures.
Building on their success with the first two Little Nightmares titles, Tarsier Studios promises that Reanimal will push the horror experience to new extremes. The game aims to offer a more intense and terrifying journey than its predecessors, amplifying the tension and dread that fans of the studio have come to expect.
The story follows a brother and sister who are thrust into a grim and unsettling narrative as they confront their own troubled pasts through encounters with monstrous beings. The protagonists are portrayed as deeply affected but determined, navigating the dark and eerie environment in their quest for hope and redemption.
Reanimal will offer both single-player and cooperative gameplay options, which can be played locally or online. The game uses a shared, directed camera to heighten the sense of claustrophobia and tension, showcasing Tarsier Studios’ expertise in crafting horror experiences.
Scheduled for release on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, *Reanimal* does not yet have a confirmed launch date. The announcement trailer gives a preview of the eerie and thrilling journey players can expect.