The new anime series Terminator Zero is set to debut on Netflix on August 29, coinciding with the fictional Judgment Day from Terminator 2. The show, produced by Skydance and the Japanese animation studio Production I.G., introduces new characters: Eiko and scientist Malcolm Lee, who are pursued by a Terminator. The series is notable for its graphic and intense style, as highlighted by the recently released trailer.
The trailer reveals the anime’s intense and violent tone, which may not be suitable for everyone. For those who are sensitive to anime gore, the trailer may be particularly overwhelming. In addition to the trailer, Netflix released a six-minute preview of Tudum that showcases the show’s suspenseful opening sequence.
The preview starts in a bleak version of 2022 before shifting to 1997, where Eiko must protect Malcolm Lee, a scientist working on a new AI system to counter Skynet’s threat. Malcolm faces moral challenges with his creation as he is relentlessly pursued by a Terminator, a situation that significantly impacts his family’s future.
First announced last year under the working title Terminator: The Anime Series, Terminator Zero will feature eight episodes in its first season. The early material suggests that the series offers a compelling new take on the Terminator franchise, blending familiar elements with a fresh anime approach.